The TILES System® Interview Management Software

Making your investigative interviewing workflow
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Introducing The TILES System®

The TILES System enables your agency’s investigators to strategically plan, conduct and evaluate investigative interviews, resulting in shorter interview planning times, shorter interviews, and more effective interview outcomes, contributing to investigative decision-making and investigation outcomes.

The system places a digital footprint across an agency’s investigative interviewing workflow achieving efficiency, consistency, and transparency at an organisational level.

Transform your investigative interview management processes

Our software is a highly flexible solution for managing your agency’s investigative interviewing processes, from simple investigative matters, to complex investigations involving multiple interviewees and large volumes of data, information and evidence.

End-to-end interview management

The TILES System will manage your investigative interviewing workflow comprehensively.

Plan the interview using the flexibility of TILES to achieve ALL strategic and tactical opportunities.

Collaboration between interviewers, supervisors and interviewer advisors is now possible. Remotely. Efficiently. Securely.


Increased accountability and transparency across interviewing workflow
Fosters objective based interview planning
Reduced preparation time of investigative interview plans
Reduces the administrative burden and financial costs of paper-based workflows
Aligns with current UK Home Office Investigative Interviewing standards
Real-time strategic conversation fostering the strategic use of evidence
Configurable to any investigative remit including law enforcement and audit
Integration with e-mail for electronic management of feedback and evaluation
Ability to link documentary evidence directly to interview objectives


Secure in-house or Microsoft Azure cloud hosting delivering 99.99% uptime
Fully digital investigative interviewing workflow
Strategic and tactical planning functionality featuring flexible topic management
Remote access delivering collaborative and supervisory capabilities
Integrated Mapping functionality
Integrated Timeline functionality featuring Swipe to Timeline™ capability
Enterprise Management Dashboard
Incorporates pre-interview feedback and post-interview evaluation
Forensically robust meeting all disclosure requirements
User-friendly, multi-platform (web/tablet/mobile)

The total end-to-end interview management solution

Interview Management Software


Working together means better results.
Interviewers, supervisors and managers can work together across the investigative interviewing workflow.

Interview Management Software


Objective based interview planning, delivering strategic conversation and evidence management.
Interview Management Software

Forensically Robust

Secure 256-bit (bank grade) SSL data encryption. Locally hosted in your jurisdiction within the secure Microsoft Azure cloud platform.

Interview Standardisation

Standardising your agency’s investigative interviewing processes is a key enabler to professionalising your interviewing workflow and has never before been possible relying on paper-based workflows using word documents and notebooks.

Within TILES, use a clear digital workflow based upon the UK’s PEACE model investigative interviewing framework to:

Easily create, edit, and update your interview plans.
Work securely alongside your digital case management environment.
Exercise supervisory quality control and leave feedback within the plan, exactly where its required.
Track interview plans and evaluate investigative outcomes.
Ensure processes are adhered to and compliance standards are met.
Measure and report on efficiency to identify opportunities for improvement.

Our TILES Platform

Interview Management Software

Committed to Cybersecurity: Cyber Essentials Plus Certified

At IMS, we maintain Cyber Essentials Plus certification, ensuring that our cybersecurity measures meet rigorous industry standards. This independently verified certification demonstrates our commitment to safeguarding sensitive data, protecting against cyber threats, and maintaining a secure digital environment.

Clients can trust that our systems are designed to keep their information secure at all times.

Interview Management Software

Integrate with your other applications

At IMS we understand the importance of digital workflows. Clients don’t need another standalone software creating another silo of information. The TILES System software is built within the Microsoft .NET framework and uses MS SQL databases to store your sensitive case data securely. We use Application Program Interface (API) protocols to ensure that our software will talk to your case management system and other investigative tools, both internal and external.

Flexible user access with permission levels

Your data is protected with user defined security settings to ensure that TILES users are only able to access information they need to access to. Investigators, Senior Investigators and Supervisors can all have appropriately defined access permissions to ensure that optimal security is achieved without impacting operational effectiveness.


Notes recorded during an interview should be retained for the purposes of disclosure in most jurisdictions. Are TILES System® interview records admissible in court or similar proceedings?
Absolutely. The forensic robustness of the TILES System® was given key focus throughout the application’s design process. In much the same way that a digital photograph can now be authenticated, each software action undertaken by the TILES System® is recorded within a digitally signed read-only Forensic Log Table.

The Interview Report and Forensic Log Table can be exported and retained for forensic scrutiny if required. Significantly, the exported Interview Report which details all notes made and attributed to the interviewee, together with timeline and mapping data can be used immediately as an instantly searchable briefing tool.

Is my organisation’s data secure?
Yes. The security of personal and other sensitive data is of the utmost importance to us at IMS. The requirement to keep your information secure has underpinned every design stage of the TILES System®. The TILES System® is hosted on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, offering peace of mind and a trusted framework on which to manage secure cloud based applications within a 24 hour monitored physical security environment. The TILES System® is locked behind Comodo technology featuring 256-bit SSL data encryption ensuring ‘bank grade’ security for all data transmissions. The agile nature of the TILES System® architecture means that where required, enterprise clients can deploy the system on their own servers achieving compliance with in-house Information Technology (IT) security governance standards.
Where is my data held?
The secure Microsoft Azure servers on which the TILES™ system is deployed are located in the Netherlands (Europe) and Australia. Advanced Domain Name Servers (DNS) Traffic Management protocols ensure that clients are automatically routed to their ‘local’ server. Client users in the UK for example, are automatically directed to Azure servers in the Netherlands and so can be confident of maintaining data protection compliance in accordance with European Union directive 95/46EC and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
Where within the TILES System® does the value lay?
The TILES System® provides value across every stage of the interview process. Pre-interview, the TILES System® delivers a formalised framework within which interviewers can prepare a strategic interview plan comprising clear objectives mapped to each phase of the interview. Once the interview strategy has been prepared, users can add tactical notes designed to assist in the execution of the overarching plan. The availability of hyperlinked documents and mapping and timeline data combine mid-interview to deliver a strategic advantage for the interviewing team who are now able to manage conversation and evidence in synergy. Post-interview, the exported Interview Report provides interviewers and supervisors with a readily searchable working document or briefing tool.
The TILES System® is a ground-breaking innovation. What was the catalyst?
The TILES System® was borne from a recognition that technology could be leveraged to create a planning methodology which could deliver efficiencies across all forensic interview processes, from the planning stages, right through to evaluation. Historically, most investigators will have recognised the inflexibility of a traditional typed interview plan, which could often be rendered ineffective by the fast flowing and unpredictable nature of forensic conversation. The TILES System® was engineered to foster objective based interview planning and to offer interviewers a real-time strategic advantage in managing conversation and evidence in the forensic interviewing context.
I work in a specialised investigative capacity. Is it possible to customise individual TILES prompt menus to reflect my operational and investigative context?
Yes. There are seven individual TILES, each of which are pre-fixed with the first two letters of the topic type; ‘Occurrence’, ‘Person’, ‘Place’, ‘Vehicle’, ‘Property’, ‘Evidential’ & ‘Entity’. Pro users are able to access TILES default settings and fully customise prompt menus within each topic type to suit their own needs or even add additional TILES. A financial crime investigator for example, may wish to create a ‘Transaction’ TILE with the pre-fix ‘TR’ populated with tailored topic hints or ‘prompts’. Whether you are in Law Enforcement or working in insurance fraud, air accident investigation or government compliance, the TILES System® can be fully customised to suit your own investigative context. For a comprehensive User Guide setting out full instructions click here.
Can the TILES System® be deployed in the training environment?
Absolutely. TILES has already been used as a training aid in the tertiary setting and the feedback has been extremely positive. When delivering theoretical investigative interviewing training covering areas such as the three interview areas and the strategic use of evidence, TILES seems to really appeal to students, which is no surprise given that the brain processes visual content 60,000 times faster than text and over 60% of us are ‘visual learners’. A carefully structured session using the flexibility of the TILES System’s Interview Home screen certainly improves upon the traditional but messy whiteboard session! With the digital age upon us, the TILES System® can be exploited to great effect as a hybrid ‘face to face’ or ‘distance education’ training resource. Training organisations interested in using the TILES™ system as a training resource are requested to refer to the IMS ‘Terms of Service for End Users’ to ensure compliance with para. 5 – ‘Use and Restrictions’.
Which type of device is the TILES System® optimized for?
As a browser-based software solution, the TILES™ system can be used on any Mac or Windows PC or any mobile tablet device (including iOS and Android). Multiple browser support has been achieved through a responsive design however it is recommended that the Internet Explorer or Safari (iOS) browsers are used as a preference.
The TILES System® sounds like a game-changer, how do I give it a try?
You can register to use the TILES™ system online at no cost. There is no credit card required on sign up, just register with some basic details, validate your email address, then start planning your first interview. Once you’ve had a chance to road-test the application and think about how it can add strategic value in your own investigative context, please drop us a line at IMS and share some feedback – we’d be delighted to hear from you
How do I keep updated on developments?
If you’d like to stay in touch and keep updated and you haven’t done so already, please check out and ‘follow’ the Interview Management Solutions LinkedIn page. Feel free also to join the #tiles-system conversation via Twitter and check out the IMS blog too from time to time here!

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Upskill the investigative interviewing performance of your staff

Achieve enhanced investigation outcomes for your agency