Investigations Consultancy
Fraud, Corruption and Serious Misconduct Investigation Consultancy ServicesInvestigation Consultancy
Interview Management Solutions provide investigation consultancy services for NSW government agencies as a prequalified supplier registered with the NSW government Performance and Management Services (P& MS) Scheme ID: SCM0005. We specialise in investigating matters of fraud, corruption and/or serious workplace misconduct and are experienced in investigating complex and highly sensitive matters that may be reported internally or by referral from suppliers or external bodies such as the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).
Timely. Comprehensive. Affordable.
IMS purposely limits the number of investigations it carries to ensure its capacity to deliver results is maintained. IMS holds NSW Police Force Master Security Licence number: 000107967, and all investigators have held senior investigative appointments, both in law enforcement and across the public sector, and are appropriately licenced with the Security Licensing & Enforcement Directorate of the NSW Police Force. Qualification, currency and competency are assured. IMS aligns itself with the NSW Government Public Service Commission Code of Ethics and Conduct and sets out to exceed your expectations when it comes to conducting investigations with trust, integrity and accountability, and for delivering value for money. We can assure you that your stakeholders will be treated fairly, respectfully and courteously throughout an investigation, regardless of their status as a reporter, witness or respondent.
Grounds to suspect fraud, corruption and/or serious misconduct?
Where you have grounds to suspect serious workplace misconduct including fraud and/or corrupt conduct, IMS is ready to receive your instructions. With a clearly defined scope agreed with you at the outset, IMS will explore all relevant lines of enquiry gathering evidence to complete a comprehensive investigation. A detailed investigation report will be submitted, setting out an Executive Summary, Background, the Investigation Methodology, Evidence, Analysis and Findings in a clear and factual way allowing decision-making panels and stakeholders to formulate clear, defensible decisions ensuring transparency and accountability. For a confidential discussion about your investigative needs, please contact us now.
Uncovering the Truth: Fraud, Corruption and Serious Misconduct
Trusted investigation services for NSW Government agencies